When you are not getting what you want from a relationship, sometimes the only thing left to do is to completely cut off contact. This may be the only way to send a message to the other person that you are serious about what you want and will tolerate anything less. Unfortunately, many people are not successful at using the no contact method because they haven’t planned ahead and have created no real strategy to carry out it out. This premium video will show you how to use the strategy called pre-nocontact that will help you prepare yourself for the difficulties that will surely come when you employ no contact. Using pre-nocontact to get started will make you much more likely to be successful.
Once you are in the no contact method, you are going to go through several ups and downs and you must have a strategy to carry you through and help you to maintain. You will probably get a bit discouraged and feel that the no contact method isn’t working. This premium video will show you how to employ tactics that will help you to deal with some of the pitfalls that generally cause one to abandon the no contact method. You can use these methods even if you did not use the pre-nocontact method and you have already run into some issues because of it.
A lot of people use the no contact method but have no idea what to do next. The other person is either going to give you what you want or not. The issue that most people run into is what to do after a conclusion has been reached. If you don’t get what you want, are you going to stay or go? If you do get what you want, then what next? These are questions that will come up when the no contact method is complete but then it will be a little too late to know what to do with the answers. Unfortunately, life doesn’t always give us a chance to stop and work out all of the details on the spot. This premium video will show you what to expect from the no contact method and give you a solid plan for what to do next in case of several different outcomes.