How to Get Them To Chase You Masterclass

How to Get Them to Chase You

The How to Get Them to Chase You Masterclass is a complete course that will show you how to get the person that you want to chase you. You will learn how to walk away from someone, how to get back out there, how to make them come crawling back, and what to do when they do.
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How to Get Them to Chase You 101: Walking Away

How to Get Them to Chase You 101 Walking Away


When you want someone to take you seriously, sometimes the only thing that will get their attention is walking away. The problem with walking away is that people usually do it at the wrong time or in the wrong way and that leads the other person to just not feel the loss. To get someone to feel the loss and want to come after you, it is important to master the art of walking away. This premium video will teach you how to start getting the other person to value and pursue you by walking away.

Why You Need How to Get Them to Chase You 101:

Do you feel like you aren’t appreciated or that you are being taken for granted in your relationship?

How to Get Them to Chase You 101 addresses walking away from relationships in order to remedy these issues. 

Many people don’t fully understand what it means to walk away so This video will address what It means to walk away.

In order to be effective in walking away you need to know when the right time is to walk away.  In this video, you will learn when the appropriate time to walk away from a relationship is and learn an effective strategy for doing so. 

Walking away from relationships is not only about what to do but what not to do so you will learn 5 different ways not to walk away. 

Of course you don’t want them to be onto what you are trying to do so This video will discuss how to do all of this and keep them from feeling like you are trying to get them to chase you. 

You can do all of this without losing value, looking weak, looking like a fraud or like you can’t control yourself.  You will have power over your image and control over your destiny.  This will help you to avoid having feelings of being mistreated, neglected, and/or worthless in your relationship.  Use How to Get Them to Chase You to breed mystery about why you walked away so that you can get them to chase you. 

You have to master walking away as the first step to get them to chase you because it is a set up for what is going to happen next in How to Get Them to Chase You 102. 

You Will Learn:

  • Why You Need to Walk Away

  • What it Means to Walk Away

  • When To Walk Away

  • 5 Ways Not to Walk Away

  • How to Walk Away Without Them Knowing What you Are Doing

How to Get Them to Chase You: Getting Back Out There



Many of us struggle to move on after walking away from someone who won't give us what we deserve. This generally happens because we are not over the situation and causes us to make bad choices that lead the other party to almost feel glad that we are gone. This premium video will show you how to avoid the pitfalls of moving on and make yourself far more valuable than ever.

Why You Need How to Get Them to Chase You 102:

How to Get Them to Chase You 102 is about getting back out there.  This can be tough when you aren’t over what happened in the relationship.  Sometimes there is residual damage or feelings of regret that may make it very hard to get on with your life or to get back out there.

However, if you don’t get back out there the person isn’t going to chase you because you didn’t go anywhere. If they don’t believe that you have moved on or that you might be getting back out there, they aren’t going to chase you because they don’t feel a sense of loss. 

People often make two major mistake because of residual damage and not feeling like they are over the situation or healed by the situation.  In this video, you will learn what these two easy to make mistakes are. 

There are multiple negatives that come from making these mistakes.  This video will discuss these mistakes and how this will impact your relationship. 

Getting back out there may not be for the reason that you would immediately suspect.  This video explains what getting back out there is designed to do. 

There are 5 steps to getting back out there in the right way and you will learn that by watching How to Get Them to Chase You 102. 

Utilize this video to avoid looking needy, keep from creating loose ends that are hard to tie up,  destroying the persons trust, or having them lose value for you. 

Position yourself to be more attractive to everyone. Be stronger and better for yourself and they will chase you.

You have to get your power back and give yourself a chance to breath.  They aren’t going to chase you until you get your power back.  When you have your power back then they will chase you. How to Get Them to Chase You 102 will explain to you just how to do this.

You Will Learn:

  • The Two Major Mistakes When Getting Back Out There

  • The Negatives That Come From Making These Mistakes

  • The True Reason for Getting Back Out There

  • 5 Steps to Get Back Out There The Right Way

  • How to Get Your Power Back

How to Get Them to Chase You: What to Do When They Come Back



When someone isn’t treating you the way that you want to be treated and you decide to walk away and get back out there, many times you hope that they will come back with a better attitude but a lot of people don’t have a plan for when they do. This premium video will show how to take advantage of the leverage that have gained in order to get the relationship that you really want.

Why You Need How to Get Them to Chase You 103:

You are often left not knowing what to do when your plan to get someone to chase you works.  You may feel shocked that it worked because you never actually believed it would and are unprepared for what to do next. 

This lack of preparation causes you to make big mistakes that prevent you from taking advantage of the opportunity that has presented itself and that you have worked hard to create.   

This stands as a road block to getting the relationship that you have wanted all along.  Lack of a plan is the root cause of the problem .

How to Get Them to Chase You 103 will teach you what you need to know so that you can have a plan for when they come chasing you. 

By getting How to Get Them to Chase You 103, you will be able to avoid unintentionally responding to them too soon and showing them that you are still chasing them.  The keys hidden in this video will make them squirm without taking it too far.  They will feel like it’s not like it used to be and that they have lost value. 

It is time for you to break the cycle of you chasing them, get the upper hand in your relationship, and get them to chase you.

You Will Learn:

  • The biggest mistakes that people make when the person starts chasing.

  • The 4 signs that someone is trying to come back and chase you

  • How to know if they are serious about the things they tell you

  • To set boundaries and secure follow through to avoid a return to the status quo

  • Under what circumstances you must be willing to move on if necessary

Also see this premium video

How to keep them wanting you

Have you ever had a partner turn on you abruptly? Identify your significant other’s unappreciative and hostile behavior and understand and gain the knowledge about how to combat these behaviors.

This course is designed for anyone who is having troubles connecting with their partner, or if you’re just plain ole’ confused about what either of you are feeling. If you want to feel loved again, love yourself again and/or feel valuable within yourself again, this course is for you.

Participants will learn how to improve the quality of their relationship, as well as develop their communication skills, critical thinking skills, and their threshold for patience. It is important to know that increased patience is more so for you and will help you grow within yourself. Project a more valuable you.

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