How to Get Your Ex Back After You Cheated
How to get your ex back after you cheated is a question I often get asked. Some people want to get their ex back after they've cheated. To those of you who are thinking all these men cheat. No, no it's both. This is for men and women.
How to Get Your Ex Back After You Cheated Tip One:
The first thing you are going to have to do if you want to get your ex back after you cheated is you have to take certain things into consideration. Okay, you've cheated on a person. Why did you do so. What are you really trying to accomplish in getting back with them? So, since you're going to take these things into consideration. You're going to try to accomplish something and move forward.
The first thing you're going to have to do is you're going to have to come clean. Yes, come clean. Now I'm not sitting here telling you that if you are cheating on somebody and you're getting away with it that you should jump out there and tell the truth. However, if they know and you want any lasting change, you're going to have to take that leap of faith and come clean.
Now, when I say come clean, I'm not just saying admit that you cheated. I'm saying admit the circumstances under which you cheated. Not just taking all the blame on yourself and going,
“Oh girl I cheated on you but uh it doesn’t have anything to do with you and our relationship babe. I'm just over here trying to get at these hoes.”
No, you are going to have to be real. You have to talk about the holes in your relationship. When I say come clean, I mean you're going to talk about everything. For ladies it's the same way, You are not going to be like
“You know baby it's not you, it's me”.
No, you have to come clean and talk about all the holes in your relationship. All the things that led you to that particular place in your life where you did that.
That's what I mean by come clean. Don't just do one of those things. Don't just come back and be like “I'm sorry I cheated” and not really keep it real and tell everything. Tell it all, even though it might hurt the other person's feelings because that's going to help you in the long run.
How to Get Your Ex Back After You Cheated Tip Two: Get it out of your system
Just because you come clean and tell somebody that you cheated on them, doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to stop talking to the person who you cheated with. Stop dealing with the other person.
You need to get this thing totally out of your system. You need to make sure that this is not something you want to continue to do and cheat on them with that person or somebody else.
Otherwise, you're going to keep repeating the cycle. When you continue to repeat the cycle, what this does is it causes the other person to trust you less and less.
So, if you ever do try to get things together down the road, it's not going to be possible. If you know that you don't have it out of your system, this is that time to take that break from whoever you're with and say
“You know what I don't think it's going to work out right now maybe in the future we could get back together I don't know.”
Then take that break and get it out of your system. Get to the point where you're ready to move on from whatever cheating you've been doing. So that you don't just continue hurting the person over and over again and make it to where there is no way you could possibly get back together. Then they will be like,
“You cheated on me like a hundred and fifty times. Are you serious? Are you serious right now.”
You just can't keep getting away with that over and over again. So, make it a clean break. Whenever you do it make sure it's out of your system and you know you're not going go back.
How to Get Your Ex Back After You Cheated Tip Three: Rebuild you
You have to rebuild yourself. A lot of times when people cheat on somebody or we do something like that, a lot of times it's not necessarily that you're trying to get back with that person necessarily. Sometimes you are trying to get back a piece of you that you've lost in the relationship.
Maybe you used to go out and play ball every weekend and used to hang out with your buddies and now you can't even find a friend.
Maybe you are like oh man I ain't got no friends left.
Maybe you used to get your hair done every weekend. Maybe you got your nails done and you used to go out.
Maybe you had a career and things like that and now you're stuck at home with the kids and you don't feel like you're living your life for fulfilling the promise that you once had.
Then, when you get with this other person they seem to add a lot of those things back to your life. Some of the things that were subtracted and you feel were taking away and now you have them. So a lot of times it's not necessarily about the other person. It's about just what's been lost. It is about what you've lost in your life and you need to rebuild that again.
This is not only going to make you feel better but its also going to make the other person more attracted to you because that's the person they met in the beginning. Sometimes you have to go back and find you again and fill in all of those holes.
Sometimes holes start to appear when you are in a relationship. You get out of shape. You stop working the same way you did before.
You stop being passionate about things and then you meet somebody and even though they may not even be who you want for a second they give you a passion back and you think it's about them. So you have to find that passion within yourself
How to Get Your Ex Back After You Cheated Tip Four: Find out what's possible
You have to ask yourself “what can I do in this relationship.” If I get back with this person, if things come back together for us, what's possible? You have to think
“Here's what I was getting from that other relationship. I was getting mind-blowing sex. We here having sex in the back of the Burger King bathroom. I was having sex and in a bounce house. We talked for hours about all of our problems and tell our stories and stuff like that.”
Ask yourself the question, “How much of this can I duplicate in the relationship that I've already been in. Okay we've been together for 10 years. We pretty much already know each other’s story.
Are we really going to do an hour of foreplay every night before we have sex after we've been together 10 years? Is this person really going to see me in the same way.”
You have to ask yourself what's really possible for yourself but what's really possible for the relationship considering the amount of time you put in. You have to remember, new relationships have that new car smell and good feeling that go with them but they're also not as reliable as old relationships.
You're probably not going to get all of both at the same time. So you have to say what am I willing to sacrifice to be with this person, what's just a deal breaker for me, and what's possible because sometimes you may not even want to be in a relationship you just think you do.
How to Get Your Ex Back After You Cheated Tip Five: Demand Lasting Change
This is going to seem weird to a lot of people but demand lasting change. I know you cheated on them. You are probably thinking what gives you the right to demand anything.
If you don't demand the lasting change, what happens is you're just going to repeat the cycle. Most people cheat and they come back and go “I'm so sorry it was all my fault and people constantly say this because this is what they're going to want to believe.
When you come clean people are going to automatically want to believe that this whole thing was your fault. Oh well you cheated and this was the ender of the relationship. People tell you that all the time. People say, “why'd you break up with your last person. Oh they cheated.” Actually, that was a symptom. That wasn't the only problem.
A lot of people believe that so they get cheated on over and over and over again by people. However, you have to understand the fact that, you didn't just cheat in a vacuum, nine times out of ten there was some holes in the relationship and you need lasting change for you to be able to stay with this person without cheating.
If you can't get that then you need to move on because all you're going to do is come back and cheat again. So get that lasting change or move on. So that's something you have to think about.
What is it that I need to have changed and how can I make sure that this person understands that this is going to be something that has to happen or it's better to just move on and just be friends or whatever we end up being to each other.
9 Ways to Get Your Ex Back (Cold Hearted Game)
A lot of people get out of relationships feeling as though they were used or mistreated and some just want their exes to want them back. Nobody wants to feel unwanted or easily replaced and having your ex want you back can feel good sometimes.
It can also make it easier for you to reconnect with them or move on if that’s what you ultimately choose.
This premium video is some of the coldest game that Chazz Ellis has ever put down for his viewers. Some of the tactics in this video may seem ruthless but they do work.
9 ways to get your ex back, is a comprehensive guide on how to get your ex to want you back and go crazy for you by using 9 methods that can stand alone or be used in combination to make your ex feel like they can’t go on without you.
Comments 34
How to Get Them To Chase You: 101 (Walking Away)
When you want someone to take you seriously, sometimes the only thing that will get their attention is walking away. The problem with walking away is that people usually do it at the wrong time or in the wrong way and that leads the other person to just not feel the loss. To get someone to feel the loss and want to come after you, it is important to master the art of walking away. This premium video will teach you how to start getting the other person to value and pursue you by walking away.
How to Get Them To Chase You: 102 (Getting Back Out There)
Many of us struggle to move on after walking away from someone who won't give us what we deserve. This generally happens because we are not over the situation and causes us to make bad choices that lead the other party to almost feel glad that we are gone. This premium video will show you how to avoid the pitfalls of moving on and make yourself far more valuable than ever.
How to Get Them to Chase You: 103 (What to Do When They Come Back)
When some isn’t treating you the way that you want to be treated and you decide to walk away and get back out there, many times you hope that they will come back with a better attitude but a lot of people don’t have a plan for when they do. This premium video will show how to take advantage of the leverage that have gained in order to get the relationship that you really want.
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Always a laugh in every video.
I watched this. So I know the tips she might use so I can block em 😂😂😂😂. Hell nah. Bye 👋
If you cheat I don’t want you you can have them
Now you all know that men will not give you a second chance lol
Literally the exact topic I needed.
Many thanks, been searching for "my ex is dating the person he cheated on me with" for a while now, and I think this has helped. You ever tried – Diyenry Unconventional Dominance – (do a google search )?
It is an awesome one off guide for discovering how to get your ex back quickly minus the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my work buddy got excellent results with it.
"I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists in 2020."
late but i need advice i cheated a little while ago and now i feel her pain. i want her back and i have no idea what to tell her because there is no ways she will ever forget what i did to her
TRUST is like a crystal glass that once it's broken its hard to put the pieces back together and when you try to fix them, you might get puncture and get hurt. The crystal glass would never be the same no matter what, that is why it's important to apply wisdom when dealing with our partners and i believe smartness is essential in any relationship. I got help from (Cybertech-tracker) as he helped cloned my cheating husband’s phone and I got access to all his phone Text messages, Imessages, Facebook, Instagram, Whats-app, Skype, Kik, Twitter, Snap-chat, Email and social media chats without touching his phone. My husband was a cheating Narcissist but I'm glad to uncover his deceits, secrets and Infidelity. All I did was share his phone number with (cybertech-tracker) and i was able to read his recent and deleted messages from my phone without laying my hands on his phone and he has no idea his phone has been cloned. I was hurt when i saw a picture of my husband and his lover, i felt so bad about infidelity. I’m here in Australia and was able to access his phone while he was away cheating in the UK and saw all the proofs i needed for a divorce and even terrible things they had planned . He also does hacking of account or any other type of hacking and retrieval of data. His services are trusted and guaranteed and also affordable. Contact this great hacker via Gmail (cybertechtracker) or text and speak to him directly on his phone and Whats-app : +1 (202) 697-7171. Thank me, later…#Stay-safe & Stay-home
"I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists in 2020."
I want my damn girl back 😔😔😔😔😔😔
"I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists"
I've been investigating about this and discovered a fantastic resource at Magic Returner Miracle (google it if you are interested)
"I recommend this guide:
So grateful it exists"
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This good
What can you do if you come clean and they don’t believe you
I really need this
Thank you brother. I'm going through a very hard time right now. I appreciate your words of wisdom.
I literally got set up by my ex girl. She told her friend to DM me on Instagram and her friend said I was handsome and so I asked her friend for her snapchat and my girl found out and broke up wit me. Idk what to do because she said she lost trust and wont ever be able to feel the same way again. LMK if yall got any tips
It’s all out I did it one time and I regret it so much I miss her so much
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