This video will show you how to attract the best guys and stop attracting losers. You will get some techniques to build yourself so that you won’t tolerate anything less than the best.

This video will show you how to attract the best guys and stop attracting losers. You will get some techniques to build yourself so that you won’t tolerate anything less than the best.
Comments 41
How to Deal with Game Playing 101. Devalue a players: When someone plays games they generally do it so that they can get attention and gain the upper hand in the relationship. Most people don't really care if this is negative or positive attention as long as they feel that they still have the same or greater value because to their actions. Showing a person that is playing games that they have lost value is a great way to let them see that what they are doing is negatively affecting them so that they will stop.
102. Ignoring: We often spend a lot of our time paying attention to things that make us unhappy, instead of focusing on the things that make us smile. When someone is playing games, they are generally trying to get the attention that they probably didn't get it their previous relationships. Ignoring them can show them that this does not work with you and that they will need to try another method.
103. Rewarding good behavior: We often want people to behave a certain way but often take it for granted when they do. A lot of people have been taken for granted in the past and this is why they choose to play games in the first place. Rewarding good behavior shows that once they act the way that you want them to, they will get the positive affirmation that they may not have received in previous relationships.
Save 15% on the How to Deal with Game Playing Master Class with Coupon Code: stopthegames
This doesn't stop the fuck Bois though loool
This Video should be
Named Self Esteem 101
This was very insightful and made so much sense. Thank you!
It reinforced what I already believed to be true haha.
I asked what does he want he claims friends with benefits ..(hahaha lol)
Well who's benefiting?
He said I'll leave it up to you
Ok we will remain friends , I don't see the benefit in anything…suck
Right.. so I went to meet a friend.. sat down at the table did he ask me if I want to share his meal?
Please wait while I laugh ( ha haaa lol)
Strong message…
Never dumb down for anybody… Not trying to prove how intelligent we are, know your bottom line.. it ain't up for negotiation..
Excellent video!!!!!

The answer is stop being nice to these ninjas. We are too! damn! nice! Do things on ur own terms and they can take it or leave it. Know it own it believe it Radiate it. They have to prove they aren’t rats we don’t need to give them that courtesy up front
Yh very true

That part
This is sooo true take care of yourself mentally and physically. Workout, eat clean, and pamper yourself. Always look presentable and keep your standards high. You can still do these things on a budget.
Y’all go check out Kev Hicks. Much better than this guy. Explains the same points of dating, selection etc MUCH better
Great message Chazz. Ppl can only be used if you allow someone to use you. If you value yourself truly being used is not even an option.. All men are not the same. I actually found a great guy, well we found eachother . listening to another man's prospective help me realize the things I needed to change & I didn't know men they why I thought. And it worked! But it is still going to be someone not willing to take heed because they think they're perfect or close to it. But watch most of those women will be single for a very long time having that mentality..
Once women get to the point where they are comfortable being single frfr and possibly forever., they will then & only then be unstoppable!!!!! Men know that women want relationships and marriage badly. So much so, that men exploit and take advantage of women. Ladies, once you truly love yourself frfr, you won't feel like its a NEED to be in a relationship or get married. You'll begin to look at it as a complimentary addition, not a necessity. You will be COMPLETLY fulfilled by your own company, ur own energy, ur own thoughts, etc etc…. Stop letting the desire for a relationship be your weakness. Be happy with your own solitude. Im not talking about faking it til you make it either. REALLY be content and happy with being alone, and watch every aspect your life change for the better.
All the hurt dogs hollering
some of you missed the point. I always say that “you attract what you project”… dusty men only approach me when I’m not operating at my highest level; spiritually, mentally, emotionally and yes, Physically!!
Check yourself ladies! He just gave us the one hundred percent truth!!
You are your own brand/billboard.
Even when you present yourself well, these fuckers feel intimidated or they think you are high maintenance.
You always keep it real. Love this video


Good points but please cut out on the profanity.
I don’t agree. I take care of myself but still brokies love me.
It all boils down to being amazingly good! To yourself! I’ve learnt that! The hard way
’ now! I’ve lost a lot of weight and inches! I
workout’ staying active’ often! My nails.. ect! Is always on point! LADIES’ it starts ‘ and ends with you! BE GREAT’ to yourself first’ before you’d ever think someone else will take on that PRIVILEGE 

You got that right Chazz!
I love how you keep it real. I laughed out loud when you said you keep attracting bumbs because you're presenting a bumb Prada
Omg you’re speaking to me!
I have always taken care of myself really well. I am a honest, kind, empathic, responsible, independent, good listener, enjoy listening and talking, I am thoughtful, I pay it forward and rescue animals and help people in need all the time. Yet I attract takers/ users. And these men are sneaky, lie about who they are, lie about nearly everything and are flat out rotten. Yet they present themselves as honest and good. I value myself and I do not deserve to be conned. Yet so many men that I have met are full of crap. I am also a hard worker and have never relied on a man financially. Actually they end up expecting me to take care of them in every way. So I am confused as to why you assume woman are the issue!
You are right! Thank you Chazz!
This made me laugh so hard lol. I literally was fast asleep my YouTube was still playing some how this video came on and it woke me up…literally wanted to laugh!
So true thanks for this
you really help me thanks you it really help me much much
This last guy i dated for 15 months… I thought he was the best! He was handsome, tall, smart, supportive and we have literally everything in common… then it turned out to be he’s married, now his wife is pregnant and ‘THEY’ decided to name their daughter the same way as my niece’s name! He is the biggest sh!t I have ever met! I so wish I’ve never met him!!! I ALWAYS get the wrong guys who seems to be nice! But this was definitely the worst of all!!! I deserve a good man but I’m afraid they don’t exist
My main man chazz kept is 100 on this one!!!! Thank youuuuuu
What about people who don't care about stupid 2000 worth dinner and things like shoes?
I love love looooove this. You are so right.
A lot of yal are selecting from BUMS because your presenting a BUM product
Going back to my profile review consultation and make some changes
Had to listen to this 2x..

You are just too fckn real
I love it
That was some in your FACE TRUTH!