Achieving Goals | Stop Being a Quitter: 5 Secrets to Stop Quitting Your Goals
People always ask me through consultations and detail questions about achieving goals. They're always saying, what is it that I need to do to achieve my goals? How can I make things happen? They say, I get tired, I get sick sometimes, I just don't feel like it. What do I need to do to make achieving my goals easier? I’m making goals. I'm trying. What do I need to do?
Achieving Goals: Make your Goals Big
The first thing you need to do to achieve your goals, is make them big. I mean huge. Now, people often tell you, if you make big goals and you don't succeed you're going to feel bad and you're going to want to give up. But the truth is, when your goals aren't big enough, they often aren't worth it. Sometimes, when the goal is too small, even before you ever get to the goal, you don't want to put forth the effort because you start realizing that it's not worth it.
For example, when you say I want to make five dollars and then somebody says, “okay mow this whole lawn over here and I'll give you five dollars,” you might get through about a quarter of the lawn and be like “man you know what I'm doing all this for five dollars… five dollars! Do I look like a five-dollar type of brother to you?” So you might change up the whole game and you say, I'm not doing this for five dollars and next thing you know you're not mowing the lawn. You mowed a quarter of the lawn for free and then you walked away from the situation. So, you didn't actually achieve your goal at all. When you make the goal big, when you make it huge you're willing to put forth the effort because you know you're going to get a big payoff. That often keeps you interested in the goals so you can go on further and further and further.
Achieving Goals: Make Your Goals Specific
A lot of times, people try to set big goals but they're not specific big goals. Achieving goals requires specific big goals.
People often go, Oh, I want to make a lot of money. What the heck is a lot of money? It’s different for different people. For some people, $50,000 is a lot of money. For some people, fifty million dollars is a lot of money and for some people, they don't want it unless it's fifty billion. So you have to ask yourself, what is a lot of money? Give yourself a specific goal. Give yourself something specific you want to do. Don't be like, “oh I want a lot of subscribers on YouTube.” Give yourself a number. Ask yourself, how many do I want and make that number big. Say to yourself, I want a million. I want two million. I want five million. Whatever it is you want to accomplish, make the goal big, because a lot of times what you'll realize is, you'll pass up a small goal pretty early on. If you don't have a specific goal, you never really know if you achieve it and you don't even know if you're on the path. That often makes you want to quit
Achieving Goals: Research How to Accomplish your Goal
Once you get a goal, you have to do the research to figure out how you're going to go about accomplishing that goal. Once it's a big goal and it’s specific and you know exactly what it is that you want to do, it's going to be pretty easy to research it and figure out what it would take to make that happen or at least get started. So, when you do that make sure you get on Google and talk to people that you know that have already accomplished the goal and have already gotten something close to it. Even get online and reach out to people that are doing some of the stuff that you're doing. Don't be afraid to get out there and say, oh man you know you're a huge business person… Let me get on here and ask some questions. Not some woe is me, let me get some money from you type of questions but just asking questions like “Hey man, how did you get started” or “What should I do to get started in this business.” Sometimes, you don't even have to ask questions. Sometimes you can actually just look and click. Push a button. Sometimes, it's that simple to get some of the things that you want because people talk about it and they answer questions all the time. Sometimes, you don't specifically have to ask anybody anything. You can just literally look on the internet or get a book or something like that on the subject and you would be alright.
Get Started on Your Goals
This one might seem obvious but, for whatever reason it is not because most people don't get started. They have goals, they have dreams, they have aspirations but they don't actually ever do anything. It’s always, “oh I'm going do this tomorrow” or “oh I'm going to get it started next week” or “oh next year I'm about to really do this.” If you don't get started, then you're not going to even know what it really takes to make it happen for you specifically. You can do research and all of that stuff but until you get your hands in there, you're not going to really know what it takes. A lot of people love to be experts on a bunch of stuff and they are not doing anything. If you notice, they always like to tell you things and contradict other people but they are working at the same job you're working at. For example, you might be watching something on success and somebody might say, “hey man this is how you become successful in this field,” and they're super successful at it, and then your little homeboy sitting next to you, who has never done anything in their entire life, loves to try to tell you what you should do and shouldn't do because they never got started. They think in their head that they know how it works but since they never got started they have no real idea and you'll be the same way until you get started. You have to make sure that you go out and do some of the things that you're trying to do so that you can see what it takes to accomplish those things.
Achieving Goals: Get help working on your goals
Some people are going to be like, whoa, you said get started before you said get help. Yeah, no one wants to help you with something you haven't even started. Some of you wonder why your friends and family seem to be hating on you. You wonder why they seem to not want to help you. Well, it’s because you're not doing anything. What are they supposed to help you with? Basically, if you're asking for help before you even get started you're telling somebody to do it for you. You're telling somebody to involve themselves in the stuff that you're doing when you haven't done anything yet. Yes, it would be nice if they helped you along the way but if you're not doing anything, if you don't have anything going and you have no real project that's in motion then, it’s kind of like, if you ask somebody to help you push your car up a hill and you don't even have your hands on the car and you're not pushing at all. Most people are not going to come push the car for you but a lot of times you see a guy in traffic pushing his car and then other people jump out and start helping him. It's because they already see him involved in a project but if he was just sitting in the car going, “man I wish somebody would help me” the reality is most of time nobody would jump out there. If you want help, get things started and then a lot of people will see where they can help you and they'll jump in and do so.

How to Conquer your goals
Many people struggle to find ways to accomplish the things that they set out to do. Their goals can be as big as a total career change or as small as making dinner that evening. No matter what the goal is, learning an effective system to conquer them is a must. This master class will show you how to achieve your goals by learning to set them properly, manage your time and overcome hardships along the way.
One of the most important aspects of conquering your goals is learning how to set them. Figuring out where you are trying to go and what you are actually trying to accomplish ultimately is so important to keep you going and help you complete the tasks along the way. This premium video will show you how to set a goal including planning and anticipating setbacks along the way.
Managing time is so important to achieving goals but this is also one of the most difficult aspects of accomplishing anything. Most people don’t have a system for managing their time and usually end up too bogged down with unproductive tasks to actually focus on important goals. This premium video will show you how to prioritize you time so that you can be far more successful and make ample time for your goals and the things that make you happy.
Hardships are inevitable in life. No matter what you are trying to do, things are going to come up and you are going to have to navigate through them. Most people find themselves being detoured or delayed by hardships and sometimes end up quitting altogether. This premium video will give you a great strategy for dealing with hardship and even using your hardships to become more successful.
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The Lost Art of Perseverance
In today’s society we are all taught that everything is supposed to be so easy and that it is acceptable to give up when thing are difficult. This is why people struggle to keep working toward their goals after a setback. This archived livestream is about taking you power back and learning how to work through tragedy to get what you want out of life.Get, the AskChazzEllis livestream, The Lost Art of Perseverance.
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Chazz you are looking good my friend 😉😉😉
I'm loving the consistency. Thanks for sharing your wealth in knowledge!!! ❤
Great video!
Great video and advice thank you chazz
Yes I’m doing this. I’m writing bigger goals right now!
This is great. Thank you.
Chazz, you are wise and send a valuable message!!
FR !
Thank you for always trying to lift people up💖